Menstruation can be regulated

As a woman would after growing up will experience what is called menstruation or menstruation. Menstruation is the process of bleeding due entirely mucous membrane of the uterus (endometrium). This process is a natural process which is always based on the cycle repeated. This cycle will continue over and over again every month and this is a natural for women who can not be rejected in addition to a baby and gave it birth. Sometimes for career women will feel inconvenient when your period comes in the midst of the crowded bustle. Especially for those who experience premenstrual syndrome (PMS).

Premenstrual syndrome is a collection of physical symptoms, psychological, and emotions associated with the menstrual cycle of women who are usually caused by hormonal changes associated with a cycle time of ovulation (release of eggs from the ovaries). The most frequent symptom is the change of mood (usually short-tempered), a sense of swelling in the breast, feeling pegal2 throughout the body.Usually this is often affected by PMS is very sensitive to women in the menstrual cycle hormonal changes.

Can it be avoided? obviously can not, which is able to arrange it. Able to delay or enhancing them. Most women prefer to put off because it's easier, and one way is by taking norethisterone (drug serves to maintain the levels of the hormone progesterone in the body). Keep in mind, menstruation occurs due to decreased levels of estrogen and progesterone together so that blood will come out, norethisterone here serves to maintain the levels of progesterone in order not to fall so that the mucous membrane of the uterus is shed.

These drugs are often used by mothers who will perform the pilgrimage, or a career woman who once crowded schedule, can also be used by students who will undergo a test or a woman who was about to depart honeymoon. For the last two drugs are widely used to prevent STDs so that they can concentrate fully to face the special moments without interruption by PMS.

How to use the drunk at the time of 7 days before menstruation is expected up to 3 days before your period is desired. But this applies to a regular menstrual cycle of women / normal is about 25-32 days, for those who have irregular menstrual consultation first. Because the dose is taken with a normal menstrual, is to avoid the side effects that arise, usually the side effects that arise are not always the same, among others, a sense of bloating, muscle pain, weight gain, until the appearance of spots (spots of blood from the vagina) so should take this drug if you want to consult the previous 3 months, so it can be chosen to match, or if no match is replaced with another drug similar function.

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