
Itching in Groin

A mother who has been long used as a contraceptive pill complained of itching that arise diselangkangan itchy thighs and once at night to disrupt sleep. "I've bought in a pharmacy ointments, but instead of healing now added even extends to the thighs, the color is dark brown." Sighed the mother. "Is this a result of taking my birth control pills?" Said his mother again. Actually there are many types of skin diseases, but the view of the location of the growth of skin diseases, most probably it is a skin fungus disease. Because the fungus loves to grow on the skin is slightly damp or the sidelines (can also grow under the breast crease), these fungi when mixed with sweat ... incredible itch. Fungi that grow normally derived from the folded thighs whitish, so if there is vaginal discharge should be cured first let this fungus does not grow steadily. And more importantly, the area should be kept dry. This disease has nothing to do with birth control pills. So do not worry about birth control pills. What is the treatment?
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Tight Jeans Pants Trigger Mushrooms

Many women who want it look sexy, so it tends to wear tight clothes to show off her figure. Students and students in particular often they wear tight jeans, pants up to this kind of a choice for them.

Indeed, these pants easy to get and easy to mix with a lot of models in other clothes. This is what makes this much-loved jeans.

But did they know that jeans are not good for continuous health, especially for the female sex organ.

These jeans are made of a material that is thick enough, let alone the kind of straight jeans or jeans that fits in the body. This can cause a burning sensation in the female organs and trigger the production of sweat a lot. Plus the air circulation in the area of ​​femininity is also disrupted by the thick material, whereas the region requires that sufficient air circulation, so the sweat dries quickly.

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Fish Eyes Could Be Tlusupen

Do not get used to walking barefoot in the house even though it is, because it could be at risk of intruding foreign objects or the Javanese language "Tlusupen", and was initially not painful, because it let a lot, if allowed to continue to the surrounding skin may thicken and flavor over time will occur block the pain at the same time that section. This is called Clavus (Fish Eye).

Actually, the fish eye is harmless, but can cause discomfort, because it was painful when used for walking and certainly interfere with daily activities. The only treatment is surgery, but do not be afraid with this surgery, because surgery is only a minor operation.

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There is a girl who would marry asking how to know if her future husband was a virgin or not? especially later at night the bride .....
Then also ask whether it was true when he was a lot of exercise will make her hymen thinned, until he was worried at first night there will not be able to prove that she was a virgin.

This question is tricky, why how easy?, Yes because it's easy to answer yes or no residence, which is difficult if the man would tell the truth ... is he still a virgin or not, so no need to wait for proof at night the bride , because there was no special feature that indicates whether a man is a virgin or not. So the point here is just honesty.

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There was a man who complained of skin often bump-bump and redness of late, especially when cold air again, or rather moist, well when I'm traveling to a cold temperature region. When it comes bump-bump, the skin feels very itchy and a bit thick. Complained of symptoms is most likely you are allergic to cold air exposure. Often called Urticaria (Urticaria).

Biduran actually trigger is not only cold air, there are some circumstances that could trigger, among others, the sweat that comes out after the exercise, sun exposure, the pressure of certain objects, for example, after relying on a certain object or certain objects scratched.

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Nowadays, if you want to buy underwear (under wear) somewhat tricky, because the various models and colors is widely available in the market, especially for women, are very diverse at all. Up to a lot of women buying underwear only refers to the model and color, but when choosing underwear should take into account the user's comfort first. Then how to choose lingerie that healthy? To be sure to choose the size that suits your body, because the clothes are too small in a very tortured body, though not visible from the outside, and vice versa. Then about a color, select a color or select a dark colored?, You should choose a dress in brightly colored than dark, but if follow the model and fashion, bright colored definitely not fashionable at all or many of the old saying.

Choosing the light-colored clothing is very good for health, because the colors are bright, if abnormal discharge from the breast or vagina will be seen, usually because of breast cancer and cervical cancer (cervix) is characterized by discharge, what if used a dark color, would not be visible.

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A young mother complained frequently Anyang-anyangan, after the questions asked was this young mother had just got married about two months, and her husband asked if you also experience such symptoms, it is not, Anyang, Anyang in question are frequent urination (Polakisuri) accompanied pain when urinating (Dysuri), see the story of the mother is most likely the mother is suffering from Urethritis / Inflammation of the urinary tract, there are two types of urethritis and urethritis Non GO GO.

GO is an inflammation of urinary tract infections caused by bacteria Neiseria Gonorheae, usually symptom is a discharge of pus from the urinary tract (urethra), different from ordinary urethritis do not remove the pus. It is the case most often about women, because women are shorter urethra than men and that the short estuary channel in direct contact with estuarine Miss V / hole pubic (vagina) which is a gathering place for germs, but it is also close to the anal canal / rectum so it willfrequent contact between the bacteria in the area. So under normal circumstances there are any channel is always a lot of germs, but the bacteria do not cause disease.

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A young mother complained that her son was 5 years old often boil, first arose buttocks area, then recovered, new flares up again in the hands of, well in hand, occur on the eyelids, intermittent continuous so that the mother was confused, how to avoid arise continuously.

Abscesses are boils or skin disease caused by a germ / Bacteria, so the bacteria enter the skin and then he was lodged in the skin, because there are germs enter the body, the body will automatically form a protection against this sikuman, which plays a role in this protective mechanism is white blood cells (Leucosite) Abscesses forming ulcers or earlier.

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Every part of our body is normally always covered with feathers that is different in every person, there is a thick dense alias, there is a very thin, almost invisible until,that is often disputed is the girl / woman who has her legs and arms and underarm hair thick or dense, so stubborn and annoyed with this feather. Whereas in the male/ male feathers would not be a problem.

There are many ways to eliminate them, including the traditional manner by usingpepper and crushed camphor mixed with kerosene, but this way we can be sure the hair will grow again as before. How not to grow anymore?

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