Why Pregnant Women Often Difficult Bowel Movement?
Many mothers who are pregnant complain a bowel obstruction / constipation. Is this normal? or something to do with her pregnancy. Though usually run smoothly wrote. Want to take drugs to worry about the condition of the fetus.
Indeed, most pregnant women would be interference with the digestion is difficult bowel movements or constipation, it does not need to worry about, nothing to worry about is if taking any medicines that have the potential to interfere with fetal development, especially at the age of the content of between 1-3 month in which at this stage of the formation of organs. Often occurs in pregnant women because of pregnancy constipation increased levels of this hormone and the hormone progesterone causes muscle relaxation (relaxes muscles) so that the gut so it is not good. Then at the stage of pregnancy at the age of 6-9 months when the mother's abdomen was enlarged been added so the problem of constipation is often due to the enlarging uterus will be more pressing the abdomen. But most of all that needs to be underlined is the issue rarely cause major problems for both mother and fetus. There are some minor tips to help ease this problem.
Young pregnant ...? Reduce Nausea With Ginger
An own happiness when the couple learned that his wife pregnant again (after tested positive), but pregnancy can sometimes be disturbed, usually occurs when the womb aged between 1-3 months. Disorders that occur most often are impaired dizziness, nausea, vomiting and even get to (Hyperemesis). This disorder is caused by increased sensitivity to the hormone during pregnancy is higher. Not in other diseases such as nausea, nausea in pregnancy increased on an empty stomach.....
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Menstruation can be regulated
As a woman would after growing up will experience what is called menstruation or menstruation. Menstruation is the process of bleeding due entirely mucous membrane of the uterus (endometrium). This process is a natural process which is always based on the cycle repeated. This cycle will continue over and over again every month and this is a natural for women who can not be rejected in addition to a baby and gave it birth. Sometimes for career women will feel inconvenient when your period comes in the midst of the crowded bustle. Especially for those who experience premenstrual syndrome (PMS).
Premenstrual syndrome is a collection of physical symptoms, psychological, and emotions associated with the menstrual cycle of women who are usually caused by hormonal changes associated with a cycle time of ovulation (release of eggs from the ovaries). The most frequent symptom is the change of mood (usually short-tempered), a sense of swelling in the breast, feeling pegal2 throughout the body.Usually this is often affected by PMS is very sensitive to women in the menstrual cycle hormonal changes.
Can Pregnant Women Having Intimate?
There is a pregnant young mother who again asked, whether during pregnancy, sheshould have sex with him quite often, because according to her friend if rarely have intercourse would disrupt or poor fetal growth, is it true?
Usually this question is often posed by young mothers who were pregnant for the first time, actually have intercourse in pregnant women may be-aja, but be aware of is do not let it interfere with fetal sex. So that must be considered is whether there isa history of miscarriage in these women, even if there should remain aja, homemade with no harsh (more carefully), find a safe position that does not upset your stomach. Gestational age is most appropriate for the relationship is the first monthsof pregnancy and when it reaches the age of 7 months should not be anymore. Fornormal / no history of miscarriage in a rather advanced pregnancy also okay but stillhave to pay attention to those things in order not to disturb the fetus, and remainvigilant after the change if there is such an intimate relationship of blood, uterinecontractions that occur , or the amniotic fluid out.
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New Bride To Pregnant Fast
There is a 25-year-old female friend who just got married so quick to ask about how to get pregnant. Because he was married for about 6 months, but why not pregnant.I was so worried he was also asked if after having sex continues to issue a whiteviscous liquid that is causing trouble conceiving. According to him how her husbandwould get pregnant if sperm exit continues. Until finally asked for tips on how to letthe sperm do not come out. This woman was also asked when the best time tohave sex to get pregnant quickly.
There's nothing to worry about, the thick white fluid that comes out after having sexis semen containing sperm (spermatozoon) and the carrier fluid called semen.Semen is tasked to protect the sperm so that his journey along the femalereproductive organs to stay alive and also give a sperm and eating. Semen is alkaline able to counteract the effects of acidity of the vagina mucus so that spermare more resilient and not easily die.
Menstrual Pain and Older
For every woman who has grown up or would have had menstrual periods are characterized by bleeding due to uterine mucous membrane entirely, this is a natural process that is always repeated in the cycle. Menstruation is often followed by symptoms of lower abdominal pain, sore waist, pain throughout the body, lethargy, nausea, sometimes vomiting. These symptoms usually appear on the first or second day of menstruation. These symptoms often interfere although this naturally occurs in every woman.
There are things that need to be observed when there are additional other symptoms that could indicate a particular disease or disorder. Other symptoms are usually additional to watch is when menstrual bleeding is accompanied by a long and quite a lot. If any of these symptoms will usually be accompanied by unusual pain (severe).
There was a young woman pregnant again 3 months (currently craving ...) but whowant to eat fruit and fermented pineapple ..., if allowed?. During pregnancy, fetalgrowth occurs in the future baby, and most important phase is known to be in the first trimester or 3 months early, because at this time that a process of formation ofthe organs of the baby, so when eating food or taking arbitrary, potentially veryinterfere with the growth of these organs (Better consult with your physician).....
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