A young mother complained that her son was 5 years old often boil, first arose buttocks area, then recovered, new flares up again in the hands of, well in hand, occur on the eyelids, intermittent continuous so that the mother was confused, how to avoid arise continuously.
Abscesses are boils or skin disease caused by a germ / Bacteria, so the bacteria enter the skin and then he was lodged in the skin, because there are germs enter the body, the body will automatically form a protection against this sikuman, which plays a role in this protective mechanism is white blood cells (Leucosite) Abscesses forming ulcers or earlier.
How bacteria can enter the body?, But it intact skin, so of course there are the germs that cause these invisible can get into the skin, usually due to poor skin hygiene or it could be because it is often carded so that the skin is not intact or cause injury. Non-intact skin or a wound is an entrance for bacteria.
Ulcers that come and go and move, but could be due to poor skin hygiene before, also due to the treatment of ulcers was less clear, so that the pus coming out of the abscess was moved by the fingers into the accidentally sianak other skins, when pus that out of the boils that contain germs, or it could be with intermediaries other tools that may be in the home such as sheets, pillowcases, bolster gloves, towels, etc.. Be careful ulcers can attack all members of the house, especially the lack of cleanliness of the skin.
Treatment with killing germs that cause was, that the drug or class of antibiotic ointment.
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