Often, every time there is a sense of pain in the joints, uric acid immediately thought, this seems to have become a kind of myth in society, much more so this situation is reinforced by the advertising of medicinal plants or traditional medicine. To ensure that ngilu2 or swollen joints uric acid required laboratory tests.
So not all joint pain or joint swelling is uric acid. The definition of uric acid is the acid crystals that are the end product of purine metabolism, purines are present in our body are normal and can primarily be found in foods derived from plants or animals. There are several types of foods or drinks that can increase uric acid, will be ranked at the bottom.
The most any of us actually have the core of uric acid, because acid is the result of normal metabolism, but the measure should be maintained and should not be up to excess. Normally our body requires only about 15% additional purine, while the rest of the body could provide its own, if we eat too many foods that contain purines, the uric acid levels will exceed normal levels, ie above 7 mg / dl, this will lead to joint pain and swelling, the most typical joint affected is the especially the big toe joint (podagra). Classification of foods containing uric acid as follows:
I. Class of high-purine foods that contain:
Bowel (liver, kidney, brain, heart, lungs, intestines, etc.), Group Fish (Shrimp,
tuna, sardines, Spanish mackerel, mussels, crab, lobster, calamari squid, mussels, etc.), meat extract (
shredded, beef jerky), Yeast / tape, canned foods and foods containing alcohol.
II. Classes of foods containing purines are:
Beef, nuts, cabbage, spinach, kale, beans, cassava leaves, papaya leaves,
mushrooms, asparagus.
III. Class of low purine foods:
Fruits, vegetables, milk, eggs, cheese.
So for those of you who have uric acid levels greater than 7 should avoid foods that contain high purine and limiting / reducing foods containing purines are, so you'll always joints healthy joints.
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