Tips Lowering Blood Pressure

To complement the previous post about high blood pressure, here are some tips for lowering high blood pressure: 

A. Blood Pressure Monitor: 
If you already get high, then you should buy a tool to monitor blood pressure, so that when blood pressure rises and the harm can be directly Medical care was taken or done as early as possible. 

2. Starting an exercise program to lose weight: 
Each weight 1/2 kg, can lower blood pressure 2 mmHg, so it's very good for patients with severe hypertension, type of exercise is the safest way foot, jogging, climbing stairs, aerobic dancing, swimming and cycling. 

3. Drink Drugs: 
Take medication on a regular basis, because if it stopped taking medication, blood pressure can rise higher than initially. 

4. Avoid salty foods: 
salt is one food that can increase blood pressure, because it eating less salt. Sources of salt are less aware of the frozen food, canned vegetables, and even ulcer drug / antacid. 

5. Avoid consumption of alcohol: 
Alcohol has a role in increasing blood pressure. 

6. Quit smoking: 
Smoking is the most important restrictions for people with hypertension, since nicotine contained in cigarettes can cause increased blood pressure as well increased risk for stroke. 

7. Eat a banana: 
Bananas are fruits that contain lots of potassium, potassium can lower the pressure blood, but also contained potassium in bananas raisins, milk, yogurt, and juice orange. 

8. Polyunsaturated oils: 
Switch to unsaturated oils can reduce blood pressure to 10 mmHg. 

9. Learning to relax: 
Sometimes the mind can trigger a rise in blood pressure, because it must learn to think relaxed, but still serious problems encountered in each.

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